Upside Coaching System

We believe in everybody’s desire to grow and make a positive impact in the world.
Upside™ is based on the premise that much of our behaviour is outside of our conscious awareness.

Quick fixes to solve complex challenges, do not honour our yearning to know ourselves more deeply and connect more authentically with others, so we can make lasting change. Upside™ emphasizes the importance of uncovering the truth about ourselves and the way we work and live. We do this in Upside™ by honestly and bravely reflecting and sharing our stories and situations. By representing a specific challenge as a map or system, a deep exploration of our internal world can surface behaviour patterns, assumptions and relationships that may limit our growth.

In a U shape journey, we move down the left side of the U, to the world that is outside of our current awareness and to the more ‘knowing’ world that comes from introspection and feedback. At the bottom of the U, lies a deep, reflective space that encourages the release of anything that is holding us back from moving us towards our mastery. This process of letting-go (of our ego and old self) and letting-come (our highest, future possibility) enables a deeper way of knowing. Our current self and our expanded future self, meet at the bottom of the U and begin to attune and relate to each other. Action that emerges from honest, deep reflection is much more likely to succeed than a linear, rational problem-solving framework.