

A revolutionary
problem-actioning system.

We approach problems with our best thinking. But if the problem is not straight forward, we need more than just our IQ. We need to connect with our strengths and be aware of beliefs and behaviour patterns that might limit our success.

Learn more about the Upside Coaching System

Our mission is to help individuals and groups bring their wisdom to life so they can positively impact the world.


Cultivating a new way
of resolving issues.

Upside is an empowering quest, as once reality is clearly and deeply understood, individuals and teams mindfully and boldly choose new optimal responses that result in positive, lasting change. Best of all, the system builds in accountability measures to support learning and change.

The benefit of Upside comes from generative learning – the integration of new ideas and possibilities with existing knowledge, beliefs and experiences. Individuals and teams work to reach their full potential and increase their positive impact, every time they journey on the Upside.


Meet the founders

Barry Kaplan

Barry inspires leaders and their teams to declare what they want and coaches them to access their power to make it happen.

Patience Shutts

Patience is a gifted executive leadership trainer and an experiential retreat facilitator. Emotional intelligence and somatic sensing are an integral part of her work.

Maryanne Mooney

Maryanne coaches leaders to become more fully human – to feel more connected, happier, and alive. As when leaders thrive, they create purposeful communities and positive impact.

Janet Goldblatt

Janet is admired as an intuitive catalyst who leads her clients into their unconscious realm for understanding, wisdom and change.

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Charlie Rose

Our business has grown fairly substantially this year, and we have implemented some exciting changes – much of which came out of our Upside offsite with you!

Charlie Rose
Managing Director – Invesco

Dana Cho

Thank you for creating the Upside time and space for us. It was really special. I got a ping from every participant afterward hoping for more time and looking forward to our next session.

Dana Cho
Senior Director, Google Search

Bob Halperin

Upside truly represents a breakthrough for me and I’m grateful beyond measure. I learned a powerful method for my own practice AND I gained new clarity on a central life issue.

Thank you for articulating both the theory and practice and giving me a lever to effect lasting change. You have helped me move my world!

Bob Halperin
Co-founder, Harvard Business School Alumni Forums

Mim Bartlett, Managing Director

I was blown away by Upside. It is deceptively simple but so profound. I have done a lot of personal and professional development work over the years and this is one of the best I’ve seen. It gets to the core of the question/problem very quickly, the group’s sharing of insights was very helpful and validating and the questions around support were illuminating and powerful. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

Mim Bartlett, Managing Director
Mim Bartlett Consulting

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